We left the GSR. Katy also departed from us. So three of us went to a private function. We were treated like VIPs thanks to my good friend Rachel aka Marie. We had a lot of fun. I did a tequila shot and then had two vodka cranberries. This place was amazing but it remains a secret for the protection of a few people! After we left I went home and fell asleep.
The next morning I woke-up and got to work at about 9 a.m. Work was pretty amazing. The non-student staff made some tasty desserts and we celebrated my birthday. They gave me a lot of wisdom of what not to do that night (like beer before liquor you've never been sicker or Liquor before beer and your in the clear). However the best advice I got was from my cousin Melissa. She said "Just remember, if someone buys you a shot, they have to take one too and it's a marathon, not a race." I kept referring to her advice all night telling everyone that it is a marathon, not a race. However for it being a marathon I went pretty fast (fast enough that if they had a pub crawl something similar to the Boston marathon I would have qualified).
So I got off work and started to get ready for the big night's adventure. I chilled with my parents for a bit. Then at about 4:3o p.m. I met up with Annie (@TahomaPrincess) for a drink at the Wal because she couldn't make it out to the bar crawl. She bought me a vodka cranberry (if you can't tell already those are my favorite drinks. Yes I know they are kind of girly but I love Vodka and I love cranberry juice so it works). After having our drink I went and had dinner with my parents. Then they dropped Niki and I off at Lincoln Lounge were my bar crawl started. When we got there some of the crawlers were hanging out already. Niki ordered me another vodka cranberry. Then more and more people started to show-up. I had a birthday cake shot (ingredients) with Amber, Rachel W and Sara (@CrinkledStraw, @xorachel, @saraxmazing). I also did a birthday cake shot with Rachel M and then the wild but complete rad lady bought me a shot of tequila for my birthday. We also ran into her again later in the night at Waterfall. Then a random guy at the bar bought me a Jager Bomb. I think I had a few more shots there as well.
We then left Lincoln Lounge and headed to the "next bar." Half of us walked and the other half drove. Unfortunately the half that walked were the ones with me who made it to the "next bar". For the people who drove I told them that we were going to Sapphire Lounge inside Harrah's but then we ended up walking to West 2nd Street bar. While we were walking we ran into Katy and Kathy (@marticulate). They were going to Lincoln Lounge to meet up with us, it is a good thing we walked. So when we got to West 2nd Street Bar we all drank a Hurricane (ingredients). The bartender then bought me a second one. I ended up singing Karaoke with Niki, while we were at this bar. We sang "She Thinks Me Tractors Sexy" by Kenny Chesney. We also Leid everyone in this bar. While we were hanging out Ashley joined us. After we sang we went off to Sapphire Lounge to meet up with everyone else (because I went to the wrong place). Before Amber and Sara could leave West 2nd Street Bar, they were forced to kiss a marine. It was pretty funny, I wish I saw it.
When we arrived to Sapphire lounge I admittedly leid all the cougars that were hanging out, in return they bought me a shot. Sapphire Lounge had great drink specials, I believe it was $2 shots and I did a lot of them. People just kept buying and buying, so I kept shooting them. It was a lot of fun from what I can remember. I know my parents joined us at Sapphire and took a shot with me, my parents are pretty cool. I know I did at least 3 shots with Sara, Rachel and Amber. I also know I did a shot of Tequila with Donnel. I also think Taylor bought me a shot. After doing a lot of shots at Sapphire Lounge we went to the next bar (this time I went to the correct one). We headed off to the Waterfall.
On our way to the Waterfall we decided to do the Cha Cha down 2nd street. I barely remember being in the Waterfall. What I do remember is that Katie bought me a rum and coke, Rachel bought me a shot of Goldschlager and Eric bought me a shot as well. I think I had another one there as well. We were supposed to go to Tonic and El Cortez next but something happend (I am still not sure what) but we ended up going to Imperial instead. When I got to Imperial I started to lei a bunch of people and then I know that Taylor bought me an Irish Car Bomb. That damn bomb ended my night. Right afterwards I was off to the bathroom. I puked all over the floor outside the bathroom and then in the trash-can (someone was in the only stall) when I first got in there. After puking for a while I ate some food and then we left. I got home and passed out.
I then woke-up and went to work and I was only 15 minutes late.
To check-pout more photos click here. I am compiling a bunch of photos into one album on Myspace as they have been coming up on facebook. So we are constantly having more uploaded. That was my 21st, from what I can remember. The phots might explain some more!