Monday, August 31, 2009

Adding school into the mix of Nightlife

Well I have completed my first week of school of my senior year. So far so good. My classes are very reading intense this semester, where I am forced to read due to those pop quizzes. So far all of the reading as been rather. German is going to kick my ass but I am not surprised by that at all. I don't understand why that class is so much harder than my 400-level capstone course.

Nightlife with school is going well too. Jessica (@jmestepa), Amy (@amylauder) and I went to Wolf-it-down. I gotta love free pancakes. Friday Festival sucked, there was no free food. Thanks ASUN! The only good thing about that is that a bunch of us who went to Friday Festival including Taylor (@Ander517) and Matt (@Silvam87) where drinking before hand. We then finished pre-gaming and headed downtown. Although this weekend was dead. That may very will be due to burning man. We did some major bar hopping.

Saturday I went to the Marilyn Manson concert with Niki (@nclinger). We had a blast, although we did get torn apart. Manson was amazing. The lighting in the concert was so bad ass. I loved it. He even burned a bible on stage which was pretty sweet. I did get my ass handed to me in the mosh pit when we all fell over during Manson's encore, but other than that it was pretty sweet.

Later that night I met-up with Alyssa (@alyssapants) at Vino. While sitting at Vino Alyssa, Ben and I decided that we are going to write a script called "The Bartender" because one of us is obsessed with a certain bartender at a certain bar. To save humility on us all I won't say who it is or what bar, even though all of our friends do know and so does the Bartender at Vino. Haha! So as we start to write the true life experience of our hunt to run into a certain bartender again we will let you know the outcome!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Current Perspective on Friendship

According to friendship is "the state of being a friend" but what does being a friend mean? There are many different ways of figuring out what a determines an individual being a friend. There is also the saying "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer." Does this imply that your best friend is actually your enemy or the people who claim to be your best friends are actually your enemies?

I ask this because I value friendship. To me I want my friends to not talk shit about me behind my back. If you have a problem with me let me know. When you talk shit about me that makes me feel like you are an enemy not a friend. It also shows me that you are still in high school not an upperclassman in college or a college graduate. I do admit their is a huge difference between venting about a person to another person and talking shit about them or spreading rumors. Those people are enemies. Another thing about friendship is understanding and willing to accept that your friends may have other friends that you may not like or care to see. Instead of constantly criticizing and stating how you dislike that person grow the fuck-up and deal. If you don't like that person then don't talk about them, especially don't talk shit about them because it makes you look like a school girl.

Also don't justify whether you will be going to a party, bar, movie or any other function based upon who else is going. I believe being in our early twenties we should have outgrown a lot of these immature actions that I seem to be surrounded by at the moment. Just because you "dislike" or "hate" someone doesn't mean you have to start drama and try to make that person's life hell. You just need to show other people respect. If you lack that then how can you ever call yourself a genuine friend.

A friend for me has respect for all people, whether you like them or not. A friend also shouldn't make their friends constantly feel stupid or make them feel like a duchebag on a constant basis. That is not what friendship is for. Friendship is so much more. It is about being there for your friends and having friends be there for you. Even if there is a larger tragedy in ones life than an other's the smaller one may need to be taken care of first. It isn't a competition of "whose life sucks more" it is a cumulative effort of making both lives equally great and having fun. Life only sucks if you want it to suck. You could look at Camus' example of Sisyphus and see how much his punishment sucked and how horrible it was but he was still happy.

Even of you think your life is the worst life in the world you could also get some pointers from Dostoevsky's character the Under Ground Man. His life was horrible and he knew it but he didn't care. He was only happy when he was miserable.

Friendship is a lot of stuff but mostly it is respect, love, caring, having fun, understanding, knowing when it is your place to be the shoulder, not to annoy your friends for always wanting to be up in their business (when they want to share with you they will), and not doing horrible things to the people you call friends. So if you call me your friend, treat me like one or tell me that you are my fucking enemy and let me know how you truly feel about me.