Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The "Absurd man" and Synchronicity

I am 22-years-old. I know you know this but I am 22-years-old. Sometimes being in this body of a 22-year-old feels like the distance between Earth and Mars but with my soul instead. I have so many qualities of a 22-year-old but also I have other qualities that some have described to me as being way to wise for my age. Some of this could come from the Karma cycle that I am an old soul. That is if I where to believe in having a soul and not my atheistic existential way. However could my atheism and existentialism honestly be the fact that I am 22-years-old or do I have it right on the money making me wiser.

Part of this discussion I have created in my mind is a friend was talking to me about Synchronicity. I am no expert on this philosophical idea, I have only read the wikipedia article. However my friend is reading this work by Jung (he plans on lending it to me one day). This idea has been playing and totting to my mind. It is creating an ever larger reflection upon my life and beliefs.

Some of this reflecting is allowing myself to face some of my fears that I am growing-up and becoming an adult. This is a dream that all little kids have of "I want to be (fill-in-the-blank) when I grow-up". However the reality of growing-up is somewhat scary. Every choice you make will have some kind of consequence and a new experiences. The question that Synchronicity poses is that some choices you make could be related to another persons mind. That two different incidents of "bumping" into another person in two different locations or two different periods in your life means something more than coincidence.

At 22-years-old I am starting to see the meaning of synchronicity taking place in the consequences of choices that I have made. That there is more to life than "42" or that Kierkegaard was more on track with the "absurd man" especially when totting synchronicity into the idea. This is just an invisible scratch on glass that my mind is going to with the "absurd man" and synchronicity. There is so much more to how synchronicity affects the "absurd man" and vice-versa.

I am not sure where this blog post was actually going to originate because I went off of my overall topic and into my mind boggling thoughts instead. Eventually I will blog about what I was actually meaning to blog about. Until then continue thinking and continue reading more about the philosophers I discussed.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Searching for a new home

Searching for the right place to live is quite difficult, especially in an unfamiliar city. You just don't know what is considered a good neighborhood or a rough neighborhood. I discovered both. After reading multiple craigslist ads and posting craigslist ads I finally came to a decision.

This decision was quite tough but I am obviously happy with the one I chose. I thought the first place I was going to walk into would be the one. Zach told me not to rush myself that I need to look at more than one place and boy was he right.

This actually being my first "real home search" in Reno it had always been easy, I just talked to my friends and discovered who needed a roommate and BAM I got a roommate and a place to live. However finding a roommate via craigslist is a much more interesting thing. Especially when people don't put details about themselves just the space available. This is never a good thing because you should no a little something about the people you are about to live with.

There where some people whose spots I looked at and it was a nice pad but not the right fit for me personality wise and age wise (yes I know you shouldn't discriminate on age but if I wanted to live with middle-aged people I would chose my parents and aunties). So I rolled them out.

Another pad I looked at was a great spot but it was a little bit on the pricey end for me. The two I had narrowed it down to had amazing opportunity for roomies, I got along with all of them great. In fact the place I decided on I decided to look at after I thought I made up my mind. This was the best decision I could have made because not only is it not an apartment (an actual house) it is also cheaper and I feel that it is in a safer neighborhood.

I felt really bad telling the other guy that I was no longer interested but some of the decision making points was once I read reviews about the apartment complex. ALL of the reviews where horrible and negative (they did just get new management but we all know that story). The most recent review even dissed the new management so I decided it wasn't the spot for me. As people for future roomies I was torn so I had to look at economic factors and location factors and style factors. The house prevailed in all aspects.

So my new house has chickens, a furnished bedroom, close to bus routes but still feels suburban, close to a farmers market and grocery store and it is overall amazing!

I know I made the right decision and it is about time I can say "I am not homeless in Austin". I may be "Lost in Austin" which is a different story but the link might help you understand. Having a composer as a friend *cough* Amy (@amylauder) *cough* makes story telling more interesting.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The first 40 hours

Well I have completed that first 40 hour work week. Let me tell you it is exhausting. I have never quite understood the brutality of 40 hour work week because most of my jobs that I have had in the past would allow me to either leave the office or I would have multiple part time jobs that gave me air from one job to another. This time is different, I am in the same building everyday for 8 hours. I bring my lunch and eat lunch in the cafeteria or break room. I can walk outside for my breaks but the humidity is a killer so I choose to stay inside, especially because I will endure a beautiful hour long walk home. As you can see in the photo. This is normally the best part of the day walking through the neighborhood dubbed as "Travis Heights" to get to Zach's apartment (I do not have my own yet, I am still sleeping on a couch).

Other than that my job is quite great. In no means relaxing but it is pleasant. I am able to listen to my iPod while I do my work so it is great to have all of that music. I have currently been trying to find an app so I can listen to the Rockies games as well while I partake in the ever repetitiveness of pulling files or refiling. The DRU (Document Retrieval Unit) is based out of a warehouse full of files and that is where I work or shall I say hide in the files.

I have been learning a lot and I wish I could discuss other parts of my job but the files obtain classified information therefore I cannot. Even if I could all what I am concerned about is the file number and not what is in the document nor do I have the desire to see what is in the document. My biggest concern is to have the most amount of volume. This is my competitive edge coming about I must strive to have the best numbers. I am very determined to receive an outstanding evaluation. This is where I appreciate my music because it helps me get in the flow and work quicker.

This week has been so jam packed of learning new information about my job and learning about Austin while trying to find a place to live walking distance to work (I know I can ride the bus but as you can see from the image it is a beautiful walk.) I have explore 6th street a couple of nights this week with Jeana (@j_ber) and her friend Lyn that she was in town visiting. This week was even more intense because South by Southwest (sxsw) was going on so I had to go to a few events such as The Strokes concert.

Other than that I will be looking at an apartment tomorrow and hopefully I will like the set-up and possible future roomies and be able to move-in sometime this week!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Traveling to Austin

So yet again I am trying to start to blog again. Eventually I will make it regular, especially because I am no longer in the same city as all of my friends. For those who do not know I just accepted a job in Austin with the Department of Treasury. It is a temporary 6 month job. By accepting this job I am now living in Austin, TX. I just arrived today but the trip getting to Austin was hellacious. Let's start from the beginning but with a quick timeline

December 4, 2010 - I graduated with my dual degree in Communication and Political Science and a minor in Journalism.

December 15, 2010 - I began applying for government jobs

Monday, February 28, 2011 - Received a call to be interviewed/fingerprinted in Austin

Tuesday, March 1, 2011 - Flew to Austin

Wednesday, March 2, 2011 - Interviewed

Thursday, March 3, 2011 - Flew home

Now I can tell the story on Friday, March 11, 2011 I got a phone-call offering me a position with the Department of Treasury. The position is to exceed no more than 180 days (6 months). I accepted it. I then was informed the beginning date of my tour is Thursday, March 17, 2011 (tomorrow). So I called up BRP and Big 5 told them the news and informed them apologetically that Sunday will be my last day of work because I accepted a professional job in Austin.

I began to pack-up my stuff. I decided that none of my furniture will becoming with me. So I moved it into storage by the help of Frank. Niki (@nclinger) called and asked if she could road trip down with me to Austin in my 1990 Volvo that we nicknamed Icee (because it does horrible in ice). I naturally said yes.

The first thing I loaded into Icee was my Columbia Trail Head mountain bike. I then loaded up my clothing, pantry, movies, photos, shot glasses (from all over the country) and etc. Thanks to Rachel (@xorachel) she helped me pack Icee nice and full.

Niki and I hit the road monday morning at 5:30 a.m. We made good time to Las Vegas. Where we met my current/old roommate Neesha (@neshiii) for lunch at Panera Bread. We then filled the tank up at Costco. We then checked all of the fluids, oil was fine, the coolant had a weird color but we weren't to concerned because the car hadn't overheated or anything. I decided that I would change out all of the coolant when we arrive in Phoenix for the night.

So we jumped back onto the freeway and headed out of Vegas to Boulder City. Then the car began to overheat. We pulled over (happened to pull onto a street that a mechanic was on) and the engine began to smoke. We sat there debating what to do. We decided to get the car looked at. The mechanic ran a diagnostic on Icee and informed us that we blew a head gasket and they can't do anything with the car until the next morning. They gave us an estimate that it will cost around $1500 to fix it. I only paid $1000 for Icee. The mechanic said because we are travelers they wouldn't let us make a payment plan but if I have the title on me if we decided not to get the car fixed that they will take the car off our hands (for free of course).

Niki and I then got a hotel room and began to brainstorm how to get us the rest of the way to Austin. We looked into U-Haul and trailers to move the car, rental cars, Grey Hound and flying. You name it we looked into it. We were on a time crunch because I have to report for work at 9 am Thursday morning.

After a ton of deliberation and phone calls and figuring stuff out. We had a plan to rent a car and give the mechanic Icee. Toni (@toni_vegas) picked us up and drove us to the Vegas Airport. We got their and we couldn't rent a car. So we went back to Boulder City and slept. The next morning I made the decision that we were going to fly. Sara (@saraxmazing) got us in contact with her parents to pick us up from Boulder City and take us to their place and let me store all of my things there. Sara is going to pick my stuff up in a few weeks and take it back to Reno.

So I bought my plane ticket and resigned the fact that Icee will not be mine. Niki and I walked to the mechanic to look for the title of the car and I couldn't find it. STRESSED OUT BREAKDOWN AGAIN!!!!! I then began to research impoundment laws and we discovered if I just abandon the car I could get a warrant out for my arrest and destroy my credit. So we began brainstorming whose house we could tow it to in order to store until I get a new title for us to salvage the car. After more frantic phone calls Amy (@scmzeller) convinced her parents to allow this to happen.

I then called Mr. Benedict (my mentor in everything) to talk about what is going on. As we ended this conversation it dawned on me the the title is in a box (not my files) in the car. I went back and found it. After a hallelujah Niki and I explored Boulder City until Sara's parents where able to rescue us.

We found an amazing wine bar and did a wine flight to debrief again. Sara's dad picked us up. We loaded his truck. I signed over my title and we went to Vegas. Got more drinks and ate dinner. Sara's parents then lent me two very large suitcases to allow me to pack up my clothes. Then they dropped me off at the airport the next morning for me to arrive in Austin and Niki to arrive in Reno.

I spent a ton of money getting here but I made it. I have my clothes and the rest of my stuff I do not know when I will see it again (hopefully soon). My plan is to find an apartment walking distance from work and to move forward. These past few days have been very stressful but I survived and now I am not stressed about finding a place to live because that seems easy to do now.