Thursday, September 10, 2009

Glued Together By Food And Politics

Hello Readers! So this blog is actually a paper I just wrote about discovering my culture. It is a paper I had to write for my Intercultural Communications class. Hope you like it.

Glued Together By Food And Politics

You want to know who I am? Where I came from? What my culture is? Why my culture is the way it is? Then I suppose that we need to start by letting you know that I am an American. I don’t like being called anything else. People always ask, “What is your heritage?” My answer will never change, “I am American, but my ancestors come from Whales, Ireland, England, France, Scotland and America.” Many people like to believe that culture is where your ancestors come from, but it isn’t. My family on my paternal side came to America in 1620 and the rest were natives. My family on my maternal side came to America in the early 1700s. This is why I say I am an American because my family was among the first settlers. I do identify my culture more so on my maternal side.

The glue of my culture is food and politics. This holds my family together, even the extended side of the family that lives in various places in the United States. Our family also consists with a revolving door; we accept strays, those friends who have no other family than that at my father’s dinner table. Most of my family conversations take place while the ladies are cooking and everybody else is gathered around waiting to eat. Mother or one of the Aunts is always yelling at someone to stop picking at their ingredients as they are preparing for a meal. Our meals always differ from one another. We eat very diverse meals. One day it could be steak and potatoes for those in my family who eat meat. A few of us, myself included, are vegetarian. The next day we could be eating tofu and beans. One thing for sure is that the ingredients in our meals never get boring. Our meals are never mundane so we see know reason to eat out. We love our home cooked meals from scratch.

The conversation while cooking and eating tends to always be family gossip such as who is fighting with whom or who is getting married/divorced, etc. If we aren’t gossiping about each other then we are talking politics and that is the one topic that we all mostly agree.

Politics in my family is multi-generational. We are all very opinionated and our opinions tend to be on the more liberal side of politics. Ever since I can remember my family has always taught us that it is our civic duty to participate in the American democracy. We have also been taught to show respect to the President of the United States regardless of political party; that was until George W. Bush won his second term. There are a few members in the family that are republican; we accept it and most of the time we let them eat.

Through these conversations of politics my family has I learned that being politically active is one of my greatest passions. Having this passion I was eager to learn more. During the 2004 election my parents let me ditch class to listen to John Kerry deliver a speech, I was only 16. This was a very positive experience for me. I started to volunteer with the state party to get Kerry elected; we know how that turned out. I continued to volunteer and the next thing I knew it was 2006 mid-term election and I was a paid canvasser for the Nevada State Democratic Party. That election came and went. Then 2007 came and I was interning for the John Edward for President campaign for the caucus. Then 2008 came and my family encouraged me to apply to be a field organizer for the Mark Begich for US Senate. I got the job and moved to Fairbanks, Alaska.

If my family didn’t push me so hard to go after this job opportunity I would have missed out on one of the most influential experiences in my life. While I was away from my family I realized that they affected my life in many different ways. I missed all of those home cooked meals because I was constantly eating out while on the campaign trail. It was then that I realized that food, the way my family does it, is part of the glue to my culture. I had the politics but not the food. The first thing I asked for when I got home towards the end of November 2008 was a home cooked meal. We sat around, ate and talked about my adventure in Alaska.

Although food and politics is the glue to my culture it isn’t my entire culture. Education is a major part of my culture. We constantly want to learn something new. This is particularly why we follow the news so closely. Some people in my culture, my mother included, feel that they don’t need a piece of paper saying they know something; that paper being a degree in higher education. Although my mother and my oldest sister are among the most intelligent people I know they study on their own. However, my Aunt Ellen and myself strive to continue our education in higher education. My aunt recently graduated from ASU with her PhD and I will be graduating with my BA in the next couple of semesters.

The college atmosphere has definitely influenced my culture. While I identify a lot with my family I also identify a lot with the college lifestyle and my generation. Part of the college culture that I participate in is being an extremely active student with organizations. As much as I work at school this lifestyle also offers a lot of play. My close friends and I love the Reno nightlife. Every Thursday and Friday we go out on the town. We like to have a good time in a variety of different bars that downtown offers. What never seems to fail when we go out though is at least one political conversation.

One of our favorite hangouts is Amendment 21 a sports bar. My friends and I went there one day because we loved the name. We then ordered some food and although it is not a home cooked meal by my mother, I love the food.

So my culture is my family, friends, food and politics. Without those key ingredients I wouldn’t know how to even start about defining my culture.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Adding school into the mix of Nightlife

Well I have completed my first week of school of my senior year. So far so good. My classes are very reading intense this semester, where I am forced to read due to those pop quizzes. So far all of the reading as been rather. German is going to kick my ass but I am not surprised by that at all. I don't understand why that class is so much harder than my 400-level capstone course.

Nightlife with school is going well too. Jessica (@jmestepa), Amy (@amylauder) and I went to Wolf-it-down. I gotta love free pancakes. Friday Festival sucked, there was no free food. Thanks ASUN! The only good thing about that is that a bunch of us who went to Friday Festival including Taylor (@Ander517) and Matt (@Silvam87) where drinking before hand. We then finished pre-gaming and headed downtown. Although this weekend was dead. That may very will be due to burning man. We did some major bar hopping.

Saturday I went to the Marilyn Manson concert with Niki (@nclinger). We had a blast, although we did get torn apart. Manson was amazing. The lighting in the concert was so bad ass. I loved it. He even burned a bible on stage which was pretty sweet. I did get my ass handed to me in the mosh pit when we all fell over during Manson's encore, but other than that it was pretty sweet.

Later that night I met-up with Alyssa (@alyssapants) at Vino. While sitting at Vino Alyssa, Ben and I decided that we are going to write a script called "The Bartender" because one of us is obsessed with a certain bartender at a certain bar. To save humility on us all I won't say who it is or what bar, even though all of our friends do know and so does the Bartender at Vino. Haha! So as we start to write the true life experience of our hunt to run into a certain bartender again we will let you know the outcome!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Current Perspective on Friendship

According to friendship is "the state of being a friend" but what does being a friend mean? There are many different ways of figuring out what a determines an individual being a friend. There is also the saying "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer." Does this imply that your best friend is actually your enemy or the people who claim to be your best friends are actually your enemies?

I ask this because I value friendship. To me I want my friends to not talk shit about me behind my back. If you have a problem with me let me know. When you talk shit about me that makes me feel like you are an enemy not a friend. It also shows me that you are still in high school not an upperclassman in college or a college graduate. I do admit their is a huge difference between venting about a person to another person and talking shit about them or spreading rumors. Those people are enemies. Another thing about friendship is understanding and willing to accept that your friends may have other friends that you may not like or care to see. Instead of constantly criticizing and stating how you dislike that person grow the fuck-up and deal. If you don't like that person then don't talk about them, especially don't talk shit about them because it makes you look like a school girl.

Also don't justify whether you will be going to a party, bar, movie or any other function based upon who else is going. I believe being in our early twenties we should have outgrown a lot of these immature actions that I seem to be surrounded by at the moment. Just because you "dislike" or "hate" someone doesn't mean you have to start drama and try to make that person's life hell. You just need to show other people respect. If you lack that then how can you ever call yourself a genuine friend.

A friend for me has respect for all people, whether you like them or not. A friend also shouldn't make their friends constantly feel stupid or make them feel like a duchebag on a constant basis. That is not what friendship is for. Friendship is so much more. It is about being there for your friends and having friends be there for you. Even if there is a larger tragedy in ones life than an other's the smaller one may need to be taken care of first. It isn't a competition of "whose life sucks more" it is a cumulative effort of making both lives equally great and having fun. Life only sucks if you want it to suck. You could look at Camus' example of Sisyphus and see how much his punishment sucked and how horrible it was but he was still happy.

Even of you think your life is the worst life in the world you could also get some pointers from Dostoevsky's character the Under Ground Man. His life was horrible and he knew it but he didn't care. He was only happy when he was miserable.

Friendship is a lot of stuff but mostly it is respect, love, caring, having fun, understanding, knowing when it is your place to be the shoulder, not to annoy your friends for always wanting to be up in their business (when they want to share with you they will), and not doing horrible things to the people you call friends. So if you call me your friend, treat me like one or tell me that you are my fucking enemy and let me know how you truly feel about me.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Colorado Road Trip Tweets

So here is the collection of our road trip tweets from Nevada to Colorado and then from Colorado to Nevada. We may not have hashed all of them but feel free to read the ones I have posted. On our way back we created Jenn a twitter account so she can participate. On our way to Colorado we left at 6 pm and arrived at 11 am on our way to Reno we left at 1 pm and got back at 4 am. Remember to follow any of us on twitter. Enjoy.

Ander517Pit stop in Battle Mountain NV #nv2co
Ander517Full moon on the night drive to Denver, really bright and beautiful#nv2co
adamkallenSleeping to prepare for the late night drive #nv2co
Ander517Leaving Elko #nv2co
adamkallenElko, NV first drive change @Ander517 has the wheel. Time to pray for safety :) #nv2co
Ander517@adamkallen just farted #nv2co
Ander517Just passed Wells, NV #nv2co
Ander517Wendover, NV almost to the utah state line #nv2co
Ander517In mormon country #nv2co
Ander517Crossing the great salt flats #nv2co
adamkallenJust woke-up from a lengthy nap after Elko. Apparently we are in the salt flats #nv2co
adamkallenTime to caffeine myself up #nv2co
adamkallenHello and Goodbye Delle, UT which looks like just a gas station#nv2co
adamkallenDriving past the Great Salt Lake. Almost to Salt Lake City, UT #nv2co
adamkallenApproaching SLC, UT #nv2co
adamkallenSalt Lake City, UT. It makes me want to watch the movie SLC Punk#nv2co
adamkallen"Don't stop believen" by Journey! We are rocking out in the car.#nv2co
adamkallenGetting gas and switching drivers. My turn to drive! #nv2co
Ander517Pit stop @ Great America! Almost to CO #nv2co
adamkallenLittle America, WY bathroom break, coffee and sunrise #nv2co
Ander517Beautiful sunrise in Wyoming #nv2co
adamkallen12.5 Hours in the road. In Rawlins, WY changing drivers #nv2co
adamkallen"It is called a highway not a low-way" -Jenn #nv2co
adamkallenLaramie, WY #nv2co
adamkallen7 miles until we reach the Colorado border #nv2co
adamkallenColorado #nv2co
Ander517In Colorado! Whoooo!!!! #nv2co
adamkallenHeaded to University of Colorado, Boulder to get the key to the house we are staying at #nv2co
adamkallen17 hours in the car straight. We are finally arriving to our place of rest#nv2co
Ander517Finally made it to Boulder, CO. Relaxing after a 17 hour drive from#nv2co

adamkallenGoodbye Denver! On our way back to Reno #co2nv
JennGingerOn the road! Tweet tweet #co2nv
adamkallenThe beginiing of another 16 hour driver with @Ander517 and@JennGinger #co2nv
adamkallenIn the mountains! We are taking a different route home :) #co2nv
adamkallenScary 5 mile tunnel #co2nv Let's make this a high speed chase
JennGingerUmm scary tunnel through a ginormous mtn #co2nv
adamkallenRV on fire on the I-70 got a great pic on my camera. That road will be closed for ever #co2nv
JennGingerThe mountains are so beautiful much better than driving through wyoming #co2nv
JennGinger@adamkallen is taking death-defying pictures while driving #co2nv
adamkallenAlmost lost my hat trying to take a picture of a mountain #co2nv
adamkallenVail, CO #co2nv
JennGingerWe are in vail! #co2nv
adamkallenCould you imagine living in Vail right by the ski resort and on a golf course #co2nv
adamkallen@Ander517 's burp smells. #co2nv
adamkallen"California, Calfornia, Here we come!" #co2nv
adamkallenJust crossed over the Colorado River #co2nv
adamkallenJealous of all those peeps rafting in the Colorado #co2nv
adamkallenNap time for @JennGinger and myself. Wish @Ander517 good luck on the drive #co2nv
Ander517 - Western CO is really beautiful. #co2nv
JennGinger@adamkallen for the record the pills make me sleepy #co2nv
adamkallenGrand Junction, CO #co2nv
JennGingerI made a new friend...a ladybug named ladygaga she was in the car...#co2nv
Ander517RT @adamkallen: Grand Junction, CO #co2nv
JennGingerOnly 25 miles left of colorado and just made 2nd pitstop of the trip...4 hrs 17 mins in #co2nv
adamkallenEntering Utah aka Mormon Country #co2nv
JennGingerJust entered beautiful utah! #co2nv
JennGingerNow we are in green river, ut gonna make 3rd pitstop of the trip get some blimpie subs! #co2nv
adamkallenThey sell condoms in the mens bathroom in Utah. Makes you wonder... #co2nv
adamkallenAbout to buy a Utah shot glass. Haha #co2nv
Ander517Driver change, @JennGinger is now in control. On our way toward NV.#co2nv
adamkallenNo services for the next 100 Miles. @Ander517 @JennGinger and I are in the buttfuck of nowhere UT #co2nv
Ander517We're about 11 hours from Reno, driving I-70 to US-50 to I-80 then home.... #co2nv
adamkallenAs much as I like to make fun of Mormons and UT this state is very pretty #co2nv
adamkallenAre we there yet? #co2nv
adamkallenRain in Utah #co2nv
Ander517Welcome to Salenia, UT pop... 5 haha jk #co2nv
adamkallenTaking a tour of Salina, UT #co2nv to get on Highway 50
adamkallenWe keep losing cell service but now we are in Scipio, UT #co2nv
adamkallenRT @Ander517 On our way to Ely, NV next stop Delta, UT. ETA 8.5 hours #co2nv
Ander517On Highway 50, the loneliest highway #co2nv
adamkallenDid @Ander517 fart or is it the landfill? Any thoughts? #co2n
Ander517I think @adamkallen just needs a shower.... Maybe that's why he uses a whole bottle of ax body spray #co2nv
adamkallenI think @Ander517 needs to go back to 2nd grade to lear how to spell :) #co2nv
Ander517Looks like @adamkallen needs to too "lear"???? #co2nv
JennGingerDelta, UT #co2nv
adamkallenJust saw a deer #co2nv
Ander517Just crossed the NV/UT stateline, there is a tiny casio/motel/gas station there. #co2nv
Ander517In the middle of nowhere NV, no cell service so this prolly won't post until we get close to Ely, NV. #co2nv
Ander517Driver switch, @adamkallen is now driving, @jennginger is taking a nap.#co2nv
Ander517Clear sky out here, I can see the stars really well! #co2nv
Ander517We're in Ely, NV!!!! Woooohoooooo #co2nv
adamkallenEureka, NV #co2nv
Ander517Austin, NV almost home! #co2nv
adamkallenDriver change in Austin, NV. @Ander517 has the wheel. #co2nv
Ander517Just passed Fernley, on I-80 almost home! #co2n
Ander51710 miles to Reno! #co2nv
adamkallenBack in Reno, early from our goal. #co2nv
Ander517RT @adamkallen: Back in Reno, early from our goal. #co2nv

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The start of a city wide war

Imagine being in a tennis court playing a game of tennis with one of your friends (@nclinger) and then all of a sudden you are ATTACKED! By these two crazy girls (@xorachel, @CrinkledStraw), both of which who have obviously lost their minds. Maybe it is due to the lack of school or the heat that the city seems to have been neglecting for the entire month of June, besides the last week. Anyway these two crazy girls have lost their minds. We know this because they attacked us while wearing Batman masks. I believe that qualifies as crazy. I was just enjoying a game of tennis when these two crazies started pelting us with WATER BALLOONS. This was the creation of the huge city wide warm known as the "Reno Water War 2009" (#renowater).

That is right we have started a city wide war. So far there have been plenty of attacks. Read about them all on that twitter link. We love to have fun and get wet. SOme of this water war has been seen through out the entire state, such as when a group of us went to Las Vegas. Annie (@TahomaPrincess) she ended up in a fountain on the Strip. This is war so lets fight all summer.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Tropical Island Bar Crawl

Well as many of you know I turned 21 on Wednesday. I had an amazing time celebrating my birthday with a lot of great people in Reno. At 12:00 a.m. I went to the Grand Sierra Resort (@grandsierra) with some of my closest friends (@nclinger, @Ander517, @Silvam87 and @simplykaty). We chilled for about 30 minutes waiting for it to turn midnight. Once midnight arrived the bartender let me take a seat at the bar. Katy bought my first drink, it was a Tokyo Tea (ingredients). I ended up downing that drink in about 15 minutes. I also put a dollar in the slot machine at the bar and won 50 cents. I quit gambling while I was ahead. 

We left the GSR. Katy also departed from us. So three of us went to a private function. We were treated like VIPs thanks to my good friend Rachel aka Marie. We had a lot of fun. I did a tequila shot and then had two vodka cranberries. This place was amazing but it remains a secret for the protection of a few people! After we left I went home and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke-up and got to work at about 9 a.m. Work was pretty amazing. The non-student staff made some tasty desserts and we celebrated my birthday. They gave me a lot of wisdom of what not to do that night (like beer before liquor you've never been sicker or Liquor before beer and your in the clear). However the best advice I got was from my cousin Melissa. She said "Just remember, if someone buys you a shot, they have to take one too and it's a marathon, not a race." I kept referring to her advice all night telling everyone that it is a marathon, not a race. However for it being a marathon I went pretty fast (fast enough that if they had a pub crawl something similar to the Boston marathon I would have qualified).

So I got off work and started to get ready for the big night's adventure. I chilled with my parents for a bit. Then at about 4:3o p.m. I met up with Annie (@TahomaPrincess) for a drink at the Wal because she couldn't make it out to the bar crawl. She bought me a vodka cranberry (if you can't tell already those are my favorite drinks. Yes I know they are kind of girly but I love Vodka and I love cranberry juice so it works). After having our drink I went and had dinner with my parents. Then they dropped Niki and I off at Lincoln Lounge were my bar crawl started. When we got there some of the crawlers were hanging out already. Niki ordered me another vodka cranberry. Then more and more people started to show-up. I had a birthday cake shot (ingredients) with Amber, Rachel W and Sara (@CrinkledStraw, @xorachel, @saraxmazing). I also did a birthday cake shot with Rachel M and then the wild but complete rad lady bought me a shot of tequila for my birthday. We also ran into her again later in the night at Waterfall. Then a random guy at the bar bought me a Jager Bomb. I think I had a few more shots there as well. 

We then left Lincoln Lounge and headed to the "next bar." Half of us walked and the other half drove. Unfortunately the half that walked were the ones with me who made it to the "next bar". For the people who drove I told them that we were going to Sapphire Lounge inside Harrah's but then we ended up walking to West 2nd Street bar. While we were walking we ran into Katy and Kathy (@marticulate). They were going to Lincoln Lounge to meet up with us, it is a good thing we walked. So when we got to West 2nd Street Bar we all drank a Hurricane (ingredients). The bartender then bought me a second one. I ended up singing Karaoke with Niki, while we were at this bar. We sang "She Thinks Me Tractors Sexy" by Kenny Chesney. We also Leid everyone in this bar. While we were hanging out Ashley joined us. After we sang we went off to Sapphire Lounge to meet up with everyone else (because I went to the wrong place). Before Amber and Sara could leave West 2nd Street Bar, they were forced to kiss a marine. It was pretty funny, I wish I saw it. 

When we arrived to Sapphire lounge I admittedly leid all the cougars that were hanging out, in return they bought me a shot. Sapphire Lounge had great drink specials, I believe it was $2 shots and I did a lot of them. People just kept buying and buying, so I kept shooting them. It was a lot of fun from what I can remember. I know my parents joined us at Sapphire and took a shot with me, my parents are pretty cool. I know I did at least 3 shots with Sara, Rachel and Amber. I also know I did a shot of Tequila with Donnel. I also think Taylor bought me a shot. After doing a lot of shots at Sapphire Lounge we went to the next bar (this time I went to the correct one). We headed off to the Waterfall.

On our way to the Waterfall we decided to do the Cha Cha down 2nd street. I barely remember being in the Waterfall. What I do remember is that Katie bought me a rum and coke, Rachel bought me a shot of Goldschlager and Eric bought me a shot as well. I think I had another one there as well. We were supposed to go to Tonic and El Cortez next but something happend (I am still not sure what) but we ended up going to Imperial instead. When I got to Imperial I started to lei a bunch of people and then I know that Taylor bought me an Irish Car Bomb. That damn bomb ended my night. Right afterwards I was off to the bathroom. I puked all over the floor outside the bathroom and then in the trash-can (someone was in the only stall) when I first got in there. After puking for a while I ate some food and then we left. I got home and passed out.

I then woke-up and went to work and I was only 15 minutes late.

To check-pout more photos click here. I am compiling a bunch of photos into one album on Myspace as they have been coming up on facebook. So we are constantly having more uploaded. That was my 21st, from what I can remember. The phots might explain some more!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Arrival of Summer Break

Finals are officially over and grades have now officially been posted. Thank god! I am happy to see that I kept my scholarship (grade wise, but it now is in the hands of the State). What I know at the moment is that I will possibly be laid-off from my job at the Knowledge Center. My job at the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society decided to keep me on until June 15th. So I may end up being unemployed. The bright side of things is that it is starting to warm-up outside.

Summer fun is here. I plan on going to Denver and Portland this summer. It is going to be amazing. I wish I could make it to Canada with a few of my friends but that is not going to happen. So far since school has been out I have been somewhat busy, while having fun.

I went to see Star Trek with Taylor and Ashley, which I will write a review about. Possibly!

I went to the small town that I grew-up in over this passed weekend for their Armed Forces Day Celebration. This would be Hawthorne, Nev. This town is located in the  Nevada Desert. It is 134 miles away from Reno and 304 miles away from Las Vegas. The celebration was very nice. We went to the parade, which had multiple gaps. A couple things disgusted myself in the parade. Governor Jim Gibbons was in it, along with Congressman Dean Heller. Neither of them are even remotely close to being my favorite republicans. In fact they both are at the same level of former President George W. Bush. The parade also only had the Republican Party in it. Which was disturbing, The theme of the entire celebration was typical "Freedom isn't Free" The theme slightly disgusted me as well, partially because I just watched the documentary "Why We Fight." This movie is based on explaining why Americans fight and most people say we fight to keep our freedom but I do not think it is an accurate interpretation of why Americans fight. This movie is highly recommended. Anyway back to my trip to Hawthorne. We then went to Lyons park and talked to childhood friends and old family friends. Many people were barbecuing and many bought indian tacos. We then went up to Lucky Boy. Which is the ranching district of this town. We had a big bbq with one of our long-time family friends. We ate and watched her turtles in her pond. Once it got dark you could see every single star in the sky. It was amazingly beautiful. I then headed back to town and went and sat a bar where I talked to my childhood friends. We just hung out. They had a few drinks, I didn't drink at all because I had to drive back to Lucky Boy. We reminisced about elementary school and Junior High (I moved to my hometown of Sparks during middle school). Once I got back to Lucky Boy I laid on the porch and star gazed for about on hour before going to bed.

Sunday morning we went to the church that my father used to be the Lay Pastor at, Community Presbyterian Church. All of the the church folks were shocked to see how old I was. They could not believe that I just finished my Junior year at the University. We then headed home. We ended up stopping in Fallon Nev. to visit another family friend. This family friend's husband is on his death bed, dying from cancer. He only has a few days left so it was a pretty rough visit. This would be his second battle of two different cancers. The first being a Lymphoma cancer. After the visit we finally made it back to Reno. 

Yesterday I went out with Niki, whom I haven't actually spent a lot of time with lately. We went to the Melting Pot for the first time which was very tasty. We then went to Seven Teahouse and played a couple games of Egyptian Rat Screw. Next we went to the movies and saw "Angels and Demons" which was phenomenal and I may possibly write a Movie review about it as well. Other than all of that business for the beginning of Summer Vacation it is time to strap down and study for my LSAT and my German Vocab words. It shall be a fun filled summer.

Turning 21, Denver, Summer School and Portland! I can not wait for this summer's adventures.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Goodbye Social Life, for now!

Well I believe the title says it all. I am going to be giving up a majority of my social life because I am about to get super busy. The semester has roughly five or six weeks left, depending on where all of my finals are. I need to buckle down and start doing some hard core studying for the rest of the semester, especially because I am crazy individual who is taking 18 credits. I haven't had six classes since I was a sophomore in high school. So I forgot how to juggle that many courses at once.

Also I am going to be giving up my social life because I have accepted a second job at the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I am still going to continue working at the Knowledge Center as well. So now I am working about 40 hours a week and taking 18 credits. I don't see any possible way of having a successful social life with all of this current chaos. When summer comes it will be different but until then don't expect to see much of me.

I know I will go out occasionally on Saturday nights, well possibly because I do have a lot of end of semester bull shit coming up as well. Essentially I think I am going to be falling off the face of the planet when it comes to having a social life.

You can follow my tweets and see when I am doing something social and if I am feel free to give me a call to join, but if I am not tweeting about doing something social then I won't go out. No more Amendment 21, Pub N Sub, Starbucks, Java Jungle (unless I am there studying), hanging out (unless you want to watch me do hw in the KC) and etc.

I do not regret this sacrifice at all because I am super excited to be working for such a great non-profit. The LLS is amazing and I have really enjoyed my first week. So wish me luck on this stressful six weeks. I know at the end of this six weeks I will definitely be needing to do a lot of social activities but I can't go out Friday nights because I have to work Saturday mornings at about 6 a.m.  

I have given up my social life to help others and I couldn't be more happier. Until next time I find time to blog.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

"I Love You, Man" Movie Critique

This film was very funny. It is a must see. I don't care if it you watch it in theaters though. With this comedy you find your self laughing quite a bit at a very sad situation, the realization of not having friends and having to go and make some friends. 

In some portions of this film I found myself being embarrassed for the main character because of some of the things he does. It is rather funny and embarrassing. I knew it was a good story when you can feel for that person. 

This film has a lot of underlying and serious moments to it as well. It shows how people in serious relationships also need to be able to maintain other relationships as well. I feel that it explains that couples need to also spend time with their friends, and not with just each other. 

This film hits at another level when dealign with conversations. It shows the difference in conversations about what you are willing to share with friends and your significant other. All of these serious issues are shown in a very comedic way, but it still hits at home.

The idea of friendship is very grand. It shows that age doesn't matter, a person always needs friends, someone they can count on. 

Not only does friendship play a heavy theme in this film but sex. I feel that this film points out a lot of struggles people have about sex. The fact that communication needs to take place between couples about their sex life. It also shows that their needs to be a balance of pleasing each other on both ends, when oral sex is taking place. 

This comedy was absolutely hysterical. The way that these serious issue where interpreted made it a good laugh. So go and see this film in theaters or rent it when it comes out on video.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


So the gossip has gotten out. Yes I did change my major. I am no longer double majoring in journalism and political science and minoring in communications. I have changed my major to communications with a minor in Journalism. I did this simply so I can graduate in May '10 instead of May '12. It makes perfect sense to me. I am very proud of my decision because when everyone thought I was on the 6-year plan to graduate I turned it into the 4-year plan. Can you blame me for wanting to graduate?

Yes I know many of you think that I am the definition of a typical college student who likes to party and drink and all the other social aspects of college. That I belong in this world of being an undergraduate. That is true at the moment, but is that going to be true in a few years. Not likely. 

I am ready to start my life and career this is why I made the decision to change my major in order to graduate. So please support me in this decision. Thanks!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Break 2009

It is very hard to believe that Spring Break 2009 is already over. It went by so fast, especially since I spent most of Spring Break just working. 10:30-5 Monday-Friday. Don't get me wrong though, I did enjoy not going to class. 

I decided to start Spring Break a day early so I started it the night of Thursday, March 12. I went to the WAC tournament and watched the Pack teams kick major ass. Then later that night ASUN election results came in and I lost my ASUN Senate election miserably. I know it was because I really didn't campaign because I didn't have time. The more I reflected upon it I have decided I am thankful I lost because it will give me more free time next year but since I lost my buddy Taylor took me out and got me drunk. I got completely hammered in self-pity. I know it was kind of ridiculous. I was so hungover Friday morning that I objected not to go to class. Even though I probably should have because I have missed a lot of Friday classes but I didn't go so it doesn't make a difference now.

So Friday got started and I was on Spring Break. I woke-up in time to make it to the Women's WAC Tournament game and watched us kick some ass. I then headed off to Amendment 21 to celebrate Ashley's 23rd birthday. We had some dinner and some drinks. The staff was preparing for our men's basketball team by clearing some major space to but it the game right in front on two pull down screens. After having a few drinks I headed back to Lawlor to watch the game live. I then proceeded to have a few more drinks at the game where we won. That meant that both Pack teams were off to the championship game in the WAC.

Saturday I woke-up went to Lawlor and watched our women's team play in the championship game of the WAC. I was very sad to see us lose. We then went and got in-line at Lawlor to watch the men's game. While standing in-line Nevada students and Utah State students began to brew up a rivalry. I have decided I hate Utah State and that they hate us. After standing in-line for some time we finally got back into Lawlor and sat very close to our regular seats. Marysa, Tyson, and the rest of us crazy fans prepared all of the Nevada fans for victory and to stay united. The coolest thing about this game is that we squeezed into our row to allow three New Mexico State kids join us in the student section. They cheered very hard and even started some wolf pack cheers. They also put on some Nevada gear. The game started and I had never been more disappointed in the Pack until this game. They played horrible. It was very saddening. Thankfully Tyson through a black-light party that night. I caught a ride with Sierra. We drank a lot because both of our teams lost during the championship game. I also got into a huge fight with Jose. You know how it goes with Jose, when there is a fight he always comes up on top.

Sunday came along and I was hung-over yet again. I mainly just sat around and did nothing. I think I watched a few movies. I went to Gold N' Silver with Jessica, Amy and Amber where they planned out my future. 

Monday came along. I went to work. Then I went to Jessica's house where we had a White Russian night and watched The Sandlot. Amy, Amber and myself made fun of Jessica for having a terrible childhood because she had never seen The Sandlot. We had lots of fun.

Then Tuesday came aka St. Patty's day. I went to work wore my green Guinness T-Shirt from Ireland and my hat from Ireland. I then went to Rachel M's house for a St. Patty's day party. We had fun and played a game of Kings Cup. I made fun of Andrew for not drinking (he gave substances up for lent), I had to give him a hard time.

Wednesday came and I went to work. Then I came home. Since I had been exhausted from life, I decided to stay-in. I watched Speed Racer and fell in love with it. Speed Racer was an amazing movie. I also watched Gabriel. I like to say that Wednesday night I was dating Netflix

Thursday came. I went to work. Then I went out for Taylor's 21st birthday. We had a lot of fun. He got a suite at the Silver Legacy. They comped  him a bottle of champagne for it being his birthday. So we drank the champagne then went to the El Dorado for dinner. We ate at the buffet. We then had a round of Ocean's 11. We ordered the drink mainly because of the name because Ocean's 11 is a very kick-ass movie. After dinner we went back to the suite made some margarita's. Here I was forced to make-up with Jose. We then went down to the casino floor and played some blackjack. After blackjack we went back up to the suite and had a few more drinks. The we did some Jose shots. We didn't fight this night so I was good. 

Friday came and I went to work. Got my haircut and went home. I was planning on doing some homework, but Amber and Rachel W called me. So we went to Gold N' Silver ate some food. Went to Jessica's and played a game of Man bites Dog. I then came home and probably watched a movie. I don't remember. I do know I watched a lot of movies this week.

Saturday came and I slept-in very late. Got up cleaned my bedroom. Started some laundry and went to Java Jungle to start some homework. Which was very successful. I came home and went to bed.

Now here I am sitting here Sunday. Dreading the fact that I have class tomorrow and still a ton of homework to do. I just can't believe that Spring Break is already over. I am ready for summer to start. Soon it will be here.