Towards the end of last semester. The day after the Santa Pub Crawl, which was absolutely amazing. I had to start working on a German group assignment. My group was meeting-up with each other at the Highlands. Myself being extremely hungover had to call a group member to walk me to the correct apartment because I had no idea where it was. While we were talking on the phone I saw him and hung up. We headed into his apartment to get started on the project. At some point we went on a beer run. I didn't drink with them because I was so hungover from the Santa Pub Crawl. Anyway after the beer run I realized that my phone was missing. We looked and looked and looked for it everywhere. We called it and it went straight to voicemail. I figured it would because I hadn't charged it yet.
I finally decided it was a lost cause. Well then about 10 pm that night I was chilling on g-chat when all of a sudden @saraxmazing sent me a message stating something like "OMG Adam someone just tweeted from your phone." I had to look at my twitter page and I saw the tweet. It stated something along the lines of "If you know whose phone this is and how to get a hold of this person tell them to call it." So I called my phone. Went and picked it up from the Highlands. I decided that I must have dropped it or something like that.
When I picked up my phone I was thinking damn I must have a weak password on my BlackBerry if they were able to tweet from my phone. So I went up to the door to retrieve my phone from those peeps. As I walked to their apartment it smelled like they were hot boxing the entire apartment.
I looked through my phone and they completely reset my phone. So when they tweeted from my phone they had no idea what this 40404 number was that kept sending them random text messages. It was hilarious. I am thankful I follow certain peeps on my phone or they would have kept it and twitter just freaked those pot head stoners out.
The story gets interesting the next day though because you all are wondering "Adam you have your phone back but that doesn't explain the new number"
Now I shall explain that. I was in class all day the next day and my phone just kept ringing off the hook. I didn't recognize any of the numbers yet because I had done the back-up on my BlackBerry from my computer yet. Once I checked my voice mail all of the messages where off the hook weird' One said "I am just calling you back about that pokemon ball"
I was explaining this to my mother who works and substance abuse. The minute I said pokemon ball she said "You are getting a new phone number right now." It made no sense to me but I went ahead and got the new number. I asked my mother why and she informed me that a pokemon ball is 6 hits of meth.
So essentially drug dealers or druggies stole my phone, where extremely high as fuck, the 40404 twitter number scared the living hell out of them so they tweeted from my phone and then I got it back. That is how twitter saved my phone. Thank you twitter.