Saturday, June 18, 2011

Family Matters

I have always told myself that I should experience as much as I can in my life. Some of my experiences have been great and others have not been so great. However in that last few weeks I have come to a spot in my life where the two just blend together.

I took a quick vacation home and I enjoyed myself a lot while I was home. Seeing my friends and family. It felt like All of my experiences that I have had at that point in my life all meeting in one spot, home. The emotion I felt was one that I have never felt before. It was surreal. The entire time I was there I realized how much my life is up in the air and then home felt empty and lonely. I had to reflect on a lot and remember why I was there. Just in my short time being away from Reno more has changed than I could ever imagine. It showed me that life continues on no matter what. That home has been evolving just like I have as a person discovering new experiences in Austin.

One experience I had in Austin that I would never have been able to experience in Reno was winning VIP tickets to the premier of Spielberg's new TV series Falling Skies, a sci-fi show that focuses on what it means to be a family and not so much on the aliens. It appears that it will be a good show. It also made me realize that no matter what I try to do all of that emotion I felt in Reno is because of family.

My family is by-far not perfect but we aren't extremely dysfunctional either. We are family. We have rough times and good times. They are the constant reminder of why I live and what I fight for. We may not see everything eye to eye but they will always support the decisions I make. This is where I feel that my family is special. We may not like the decisions but I feel that we will support the decisions that we make. Then I realized this is part of a facade as well. To good to be true. If we don't support a decision we speak-up loud and clear. We speak our minds. We give one another heartbreak but in the end we know that we are family.

This experience of learning is the blender of good and bad experiences. Looking at it like a smoothie, adding random ingredients that may not sound like they taste good with one another but it turns out to be the best damn smoothie. That is life, making the most of it.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't have said it better myself! I'm so proud of you Adam! My love for always, brother...
