This is what I am, a dreamer in a coffee shop. I come-in and sit, I wait. I never seem to know what I am waiting for anymore but I still wait.
I keep waiting to the point where I just have to leave because I am tired of waiting. It is like being stood-up on a date because you waited for so long.
I still don't know what I am waiting for. Maybe for my dreams to come true, love, a friend, someone from my past, a ghost, who knows.
As I wait I begin to go on these adventurous day dreams. Some of them are lost in a fantastical thought of fighting evil with Frodo or Harry Potter to the evil that is in my heart.
I still wait...am I waiting for evil or for life? So I create an image of where I will be in 15 years about to hit the age 40. I ask am I on the right track? I do not know.
Well it finally came to me today. I wait for nothing because nothing is what I fear. Instead I allow those dreams to come because those dreams aren't nothing they are something. I am done waiting for you nothing, so stop trying to come.
Instead I am taking a new journey and I will continue to follow that spirit of mine where ever it guides me. If my spirit wants to do something I shall follow, I shall conquer, I shall live.
Nice, Adam. Well put, and I agree.