There is nothing scarier in the world than waking up the next morning to....
Realizing that your wallet is not in fact safely tucked away on the clear spot that is designated for said wallet. "Oh shit" comes to mind, "I could have sworn I had it." Then the hustle of jumping out of bed in a dead panic; I find that this works better than my actual alarm that goes off nearly 15 times every morning. I can't help but scurry over to the pair of shorts that I wore the day before to check that left back pocket. The wallet is still missing.
"Where to look next," is what comes to mind "The kitchen". Still no wallet. I am in shock that I lost the one thing that is probably more essential to my life than my iPhone. The item that contains more than my credit cards but the card that is my identity. "My ID is gone," I panted in a dead panic. Not having that stupid piece of plastic that proves I am a person was missing. It is a government photo ID that I need to access just about anything and the only way I can replace it is going back to the state of Nevada because I am currently residing in Texas or that means to stop being a Nevadan and become a Texan. That ID card is who I am. I am Nevadan and I want to keep my identity of being a Nevadan abroad.
I had to think. I thought. The last place I remember having my wallet was on the bus ride home because I had to swipe my bus pass which was in my wallet. I then had to think what else was in that wallet of mine. Credit cards, debit cards, health care cards, $15 cash, you know nothing important. I thought even more. I must have been pick pocketed because I was standing on this particular bus.
This was time for major flip-out mode but it still needed to wait because I had to get to work and if I panic much more I will be late. So I jumped on my bike, even with my leg that I knew was hurting from pushing myself to hard cycling, with my mind on my wallet I didn't care that my leg was in pain. My emotional pain was far greater.
I got to work and decided to call Capital Metro's lost and found. The kind woman said that they will not know the items lost the day before until 3:00 pm. Stress hits even more. Do I cancel my cards or keep an eye on my accounts. Some of my co-workers including the bossman suggested canceling, however, I went with my gut and just checked my bank balance every 20 minutes.
Finally thinking that I was going to have to get a new ID I called the Nevada DMV to find out if there was a way to get a duplicate ID. They said yes but it will have no picture. "NO PICTURE ID, WTF?" is what I thought. That probably won't let me buy beer, let alone get me on a flight. However if I had to, I would.
I was almost to the point of making copies of the paper photocopy of my ID to post around saying "WANTED: Adam K. Allen ID." I rationalized and decided to follow the advice that another coworker suggested, call back Capital Metro and see if I can be put in contact with the bus driver. BINGO!!!! It worked. My wallet was found. After waiting impatiently all day I went and picked up this good of mine.
I opened my wallet to see the damage. There was none. My cash was even still sitting in the billfold. All what I could say is the people of Austin are amazing and truthful. This is such a kind city. I definitely racked in on good karma, but then again in a capitalist society there is a price for everything. My price for my wallet being retrieved in perfect condition was pulling my damn hamstring from pushing myself to far. I am still not sure if it was worth-it but then again the world works in a mystery way and I now have a new experience. It could have gone worse, I could have no wallet and a pulled hamstring.
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