Sunday, July 31, 2011

Write This Way

Recently I was asked "Why do you write?" I had to stop and think. I had to ask myself the same question. My mind went in fifty million different directions upon why I write but it all boiled down to one thing, happiness. I write because it makes me happy. I don't do it for anyone else, I do it for myself.

I know I am not the best writer in the world and nor do I try to say I am. I don't even say I am a good writer. I am an average writer but I enjoy it. I have passion for writing, sitting down and exploring my thoughts as they come. I don't proofread immediately before publishing blogposts, sometimes I didn't even proofread my college papers. Sometimes I never proofread. I have grammatical errors, typos, fragments and run-ons. I am pretty sure I have all basic problems in any first draft. Eventually I will do a copy edit. It could be two hours after finishing a thought to 10 days. I'll gloss it up eventually, more than likely after I shared it with people though.

I feel that writing is an art and that it is never complete. When writing I am always missing something. It is never perfect. I am a critic to myself and to others as well. I take the criticism. I strive to take that criticism and fix it in my writing style. The more I write the more I feel free. I am able to explore new thoughts and ideas. Change my style, create random metaphors. Make a sentence euphoric. I like to play around with things I write. Some of this art is beautiful to me, others end up in the waste basket or still in front of my friends' eyes. Some doesn't get shared. I am not sure what posses me to decide what doesn't get shared but like I said I write for myself.

I am constantly looking up new words, synonyms and antonyms to expand my vocabulary. Writing is constantly changing. Then new ideas from old ideas form and expand to create an even larger overall thought. Some of these thoughts become contradictory a paradox. It makes it art.

When I am in my writing zone, I have to get it down before I lose it. When I lose it, the thought never sounds as good as when I first had it.  This is were the grammatical errors come alive to create part of the art. It shows that passion of that current thought. The thought was so grand and powerful that the thought couldn't make it all the way to paper because a new thought emerged and your poor hands can;t get it on paper fast enough. Eventually more will be added to finish a thought. That is the art or the thought will remain incomplete showing a new segment of the art that is being read.

Writing is always evolving. Nothing is a master piece, it cannot ever reach perfection. It can only increase. I feel that it is never finished. I try to capture it all but it still remains in thought. The words are never as clear as it was in mind. This is why I write. I write to write to add to collect. In order to write and continue writing and growing I read. I look at these other pieces of art and I try to figure out what I like about it to inspire more of my own art.

I write this way. Help perfect it but don't say it is wrong. Just write.

1 comment:

  1. I can so relate. I always have my best thoughts when I can't write them down. Like when I am supposed to be sleeping.
